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    Virtual Chapter Meeting - Wednesday, April 21, 2021

    Date: April 21, 2021, 8:30am – 9:30am
    SSHRMANJ Chapter
    Virtual electronic meeting via Webex
    $10.00 for Members and $15.00 for Non-Members
    Event Type:
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    Benefits and the BLS Occupational Requirements Survey


    Presenter - Bruce Bergman, Economist at Bureau of Labor Statistics 

    Bruce Bergman, Regional Economist of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ New York-New Jersey Information Office, will discuss the latest trends during COVID in employee benefits and occupational requirements, as captured by BLS surveys.

    •             How have employers’ costs for legally required benefits changed?

    •             How do provisions vary among benefits that are not legally required?

    •             How did COVID-19 impact the benefits landscape?

    •             How can you access job requirements for similar occupations?


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