About Us
Message from the President
Welcome to the Southern Shore Human Resource Management Association of New Jersey website. The Southern Shore Human Resource Association of New Jersey is the premier professional association for Human Resource professionals in the Southern New Jersey shore area. Founded in 1995, the SSHRMANJ has members representing many leading area companies. Our monthly meetings offer outstanding topical presentations by industry-leading HR professionals.
If you are in the HR field or have an interest in HR, I invite you to come out to our monthly meetings. The SSHRMANJ chapter holds monthly program meetings from September to May. Our meetings provide the opportunity to network, offer educational enrichment and legal updates to help enhance your professional development.
Thank you for viewing our website and I look forward to seeing you at our meetings. Please contact me, any board member or committee volunteer member listed on our site if you need any further information.
Christine McCullough
2024 - 2025 President